

XdTV (a X11 program based on xawtv) is a software that allows you to watch TV. It interacts with AleVT for Teletext and Nxtvepg for NextView, and uses the video4linux API. It can use some deinterlacing filters and can record video files in various containers (AVI, MPEG, OGG, etc.) with many codecs (FFMpeg(>=0.4.6), XviD(0.9 & 1.x), Ogg Theora (>=1.0alpha5) & Vorbis and DivX4/5). It has also some plugin capabilities.


XdTV [ options ]


XdTV is a simple program for watching TV with your linux box. It uses the Athena widgets. (xaw, xaw3d, xawM, xaw95 or neXtaw) XdTV supports the bttv driver and v4l &v4l2 (video4linux, included in 2.1.x).

XdTV reads the config file $HOME/.xdtv/xdtvrc at startup. This file holds the available TV stations and a few settings like TV norm. On the first start XdTV will create a default minimal config file. You will then have to edit the file yourself to suit your needs, see below for details.


-b depth

force XdTV into depth bits color depth. Might be needed for 24/32 bits. However the best performances in grabdisplay mode are achieved with a 16 bits color depth.


startup in fullscreen mode.


don’t read the config file ($HOME/.xdtv/xdtvrc).

-o filename

set output filename for ppm & jpeg grabbing (default is snap000.ppm or snap000.jpeg)

-v level

Be verbose, level may be 0 (default), 1 or 2. It exists just for debugging. If no level is provided, a level of 1 is assumed.


disable the usage of X11 extensions (DGA, VidMode).


disable the usage of X11 DGA extension.

-D adr

set framebuffer address to adr. Needed for overlay mode if DGA is not available (needs root privileges, use with caution !).

-c video_device

video4linux video device. For devfs enabled systems, default is /dev/v4l/video or /dev/v4l/video0, in that order. For non devfs systems, default is /dev/video or /dev/video/video0 or /dev/video0, in that order. Note that on /proc enabled systems, video device detection is automagic.

-C vbi_device

video4linux vbi device. For devfs enabled systems, default is /dev/v4l/vbi or /dev/v4l/vbi0, in that order. For non devfs systems, default is /dev/vbi or /dev/video/vbi or /dev/vbi0, in that order. Note that on /proc enabled systems, vbi device detection is automagic.

-noxv | -no-xv

disables the Xvideo support if it was compiled in.

-xvport number

set Xvideo Image port (defaults to the first usable if Xvideo is available). A usuable one is one which does support YUY2 format.


Normally xdtv sets the XVideo parameter (as contrast...) to their default value. This option disables this behaviour. (useful for broken adaptors)


disable any plugin installed.

-plugin pathfile

enable a specific plugin.

-plugindir pathdir

set plugin directory (default=/usr/local/lib/xdtv-plugins)


force benchmarking of different possibilities for a fast memcpy function.

-rec_fps fps

set recording framerate (default=25.0)

-rec_display on|off

set display mode during recording (default=1)

-rec_width width

set width of the recording video (default=384), if width is 0 then set to 4/3*height

-rec_height height

set height of the recording video (default=288), if height is 0 then set to 3/4*width

-rec_videobr br

set recording video bitrate to br kbit/s (default=800)

-rec_stereo on|off

activate stero mode (default=off)

-rec_audiofreq freq

set the recording audio frequency (default=44100Hz)

-rec_audiofmt u8|s16le

set the recording audio format (default=s16le)

-rec_audiobuf size

set the size of the audio buffer (default=1764)

-rec_fragments number

set the number of audio fragments (default=48)

-rec_fragmentsize size

set the size of the audio fragment (default=2048)

-rec_acodec codec_name

set recording audio codec (default="LAME MP3")

-rec_mp3cbr br

activate MP3 CBR and set bitrate to br kbit/s (default=activated, 128kbit/s)

-rec_mp3vbr quality

activate MP3 VBR and set compressing quality (0=best, 9=worst) (default=deactivated, quality=8)

-rec_vcodec codec_name

set recording video codec

-rec_container container_name

set recording container

-rec_maxgap gap

set recording max gap between audio and video in seconds (default = 0.08 second)

-rec_delay value

set recording delay between audio and video in seconds (default = 0.00 second). value can negative or positive. The delay will always be between value-gap and value+gap. Use this option if you notice that there is always the same A/V delay in your movies, but normally 0.00 is always fine.

-rec_sub on|off

indicates if subtitles are recorded (the subtitles are recorded in MPlayer’s MPsub format).

-rec_chg on|off

allows channel changes during recording.

-rec_filename filename

set the avi filename (default=divx_path/movie-channel-date.avi)

-rec_maxsize s

set the maximum size of the recording file to s Mb. (default=1024 for a MSDOS filesystem, 4096 otherwise)

-rec_stream on|off

enables http export of the recording (XdTV will act as a http stream server)


set the port of the http stream (default=63427)

-e "cmd_1; cmd_2; cmd_3;...cmd_n"

execute the commands at the beginning of execution see xdtv_cmd(1) for the list of commands


option to disable window decoration at startup


Startup with stay on top activated.


prints a brief usage message and exits.


give the XdTV current version.


forces the v4l2 driver. By default if your driver is not v4l2 then v4l1 mode is automaticly selected, with this option if you have not v4l2, XdTV will die.


forces the old v4l1 driver. It is not recommended because drivers which provide v4l2 are more unstable in v4l1 mode.


communicates with the TV-card through the X-server (needs Xvideo, and your TV-card must be recognized by X. Don’t work with grabdisplay).

-xvtv_overlay on|off

uses XVideo for overlay if available, all the other operations use the normal driver. It actually works only with v4l2 drivers because the device must allow multiple opens. (default=on with v4l2 and if the XvVideo port is named video4linux)


set Xvideo Video port (defaults to the first usable).


does not open the teletext device.

-capture overlay|grabdisplay|off

to use a specific capture mode for all channels at startup.

-nbufs nbufs

sets the number of kernel-buffered frames (default=3).

-capt_width width

set maximum width of the grabbed frames (default=maximum=768)

-capt_height height

similar to -capt_width option. (default=maximum=576)

-force_capt_width width

forces width of the grabbed frames default=0 which means not forcing, -1 means the maximum width (768 for pal, 640 for ntsc).

-force_capt_height height

similar to -force_capt_width option. (default=0=not forcing) -1 means the maximum height (576 for pal, 480 for ntsc).

-only_capt_width width

similar to -force_capt_width, but stronger

-only_capt_height height

similar to -force_capt_height, but stronger

-fullscreen_mode 1 | 2 | 3

Choose the method you want when fullscreen is launched (default=3).

-avi filename.avi

reads frames from filename.avi. (only used for testing)


(requires the -avi option) Does not delay between two frames, stops when the end of the avi is reached and diplays some statistics on CPU usage.

-avi_audiofragments number

set the number of audio fragments for avi reading (default=2, 16 for sunaudio)

-avi_audiofragmentsize size

set the size of audio fragments for avi reading (default=2048)


does not output audio during avi reading.

-sub on|off

activates/deactivates subtitles (default=off)


use xosd library to display osd.

-noalsa | -nooss | -nosunaudio

does not use the corresponding driver to manage sound


selects the mixer device. (default=default for alsa, /dev/mixer for oss and sunaudio)


selects the mixer channel corresponding to the TV (default=Line for alsa, line for oss, inputs.line for sunaudio)


selects the mixer channel corresponding to the digital audio (default=PCM for alsa, pcm for oss, inputs.dac for sunaudio)


selects the audio device. (default=default for alsa, /dev/dsp for oss, /dev/sound for sunaudio)

-restoresnd on|off

indicates if XdTV restores the initial sound settings on exit. (default=off, works only with alsa)

-bktr_mode nr

chooses a capture format by its number (see supported formats in XdTV output) (for BSD) you must specify which mode it supposes to be with the -grabfmt option


uses read instead of mmap (slow, use it only if your driver is buggy) (only for BSD)

-doublekey on/off

enables double keys (default=on if there are more than 10 stations)

-doublekey_firstisone on/off

indicates if the first station has number 1, and not 0, needed for doublekey (default=off except if lirc-key-1 is mapped to keypad 0 or the hotkey of the first channel is 1, KP_1 or KP_End)


To disable xaw popup


Disable the use of pixmaps pictures on the buttons decoration.

-theme name

Load the theme corresponding to the string name (for example "-theme aqua"). By default, the theme recorded into the configuration’s file is loaded. If no name has been recorded, the default theme is loaded. Each theme must be installed independently of the principal package. Many versions of the same theme can be installed (by ex. aqua theme in french and in english), the program will load the version corresponding to the current language.


For WM which have problem with decoration initialisation (ffwm, ff2wm)


disables WM speficic operations: fullscreen by wm, stayontop...


does not use WM Fullscreen. Useful to have a fullscreen which covers all the screens.

-ybar nr

set height of the black borders for a total height of 1000: nr=125 for 16:9, nr=200 for 20:9 (default=0)

-grabfmt -grabfmt yuyv|yuv420|rgb32...

forces the format of the frames captured by the card

-xvfmt yuyv|yuv420|rgb32...

forces the format used by the XVideo adapter

-x11fmt gray1|gray4|rgb4|gray8|hi240|rgb8|rgb16|rgb24|rgb32...

forces the format used by the x11 window

-vop op1:op2:op3...

applies operations on the video.

-aop op1:op2:op3...

applies operations on the audio.

-vop_autograb on|off

automatically enter in grabdisplay mode when a vop is activated (default=on)


disables any operation on the video.


disables any operation on the audio.

-xineramascreen number|off|auto

tells the screen where full display should be made. ("off" means that xinerama is not used (default), "auto" that the screen is chosen from the current window position)


uses a dvb TV-card. (in development...)


You must write the AleVT arguments between two quotation marks

--help or -h
--version or -v
--debug or -debug
-copyright or -?
-editor or -ed

-display or -d <dpy>


-geometry or -g <geo>


-finetune or -f <-4..4|auto>


-child or -c ppp[.ss]

[-parent] or -p ppp[.ss]


-[no]erc or -[n]e


-[no]bell or -[n]b


-charset or -latin latin-1/2/koi8-r/koi/iso8859-7/el


Order is important! Each page number opens a new window
with the previously given geometry, device, and display.

ppp[.ss] stands for a page number and an optional subpage
number (ie 123.4). If the subpage number is omitted the
first transmitted subpage is shown.

The -child option requires a parent window. So, it
must be preceeded bya parent or another child window

To Know more about AleVT options, goto its own man page.

XdTV is an X application. So you can use all parameters proposed by

-iconic : launch XdTV initially not be visible.

-xrm resourcestring : This option specifies a resource name
and value to override any defaults. It is also very useful for
setting resources that don’t have explicit command line arguments.

for example:
xdtv -xrm "xdtv.onscreen*foreground:red (get the OSD red)
xdtv -xrm ’xdtv.vtx.label.font: -*-*-bold-r-normal-*-16-*-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1’
all ressources which are into could be temporarily modify
with this method.


Just start up XdTV, this will work without a config file too. Then check out the options (right mouse button) and adjust the settings (TV norm, Video source, freqency table). With the cursor keys you can control the tuner and look for TV Stations.

If you’ve found one, start up your favorite text editor and stick it into the $HOME/.xdtv/xdtvrc config file. Or you can check out the new channel editor. Hotkey ’E’ will start it. Warning: Writing the config file with the channel editor will kill all the comments you might have added to your config file.

Mouse functions
The left mouse button will popup a menu with all TV stations found in the config file. The middle button switches to the next station. The right button brings up a window with alot of options and control functions.

Keyboard Shortcuts
A Audio on/off
Shift+A Audio on/off, pass by TV-card. (useful when the sound has
been lost because of too bad reception)
Ctrl+A Start/Stop builtin AleVT Videotext/Teletext decoder/browser
Alt+A Popup AleVT parameter Window
B Toggles window decoration
C Popup Channels Window


Use it to select a deinterlacing filter

E Popup Channels Editor
F Fullscreen on/off
G Grab picture (full size, ppm)
Ctrl+G Grab picture (window size, ppm)
H Displays current time either on window title bar or OSD
when in fullscreen mode


Call a popup help (only into Tv & Main option Windows)

J Grab picture (full size, jpeg)
Ctrl+J Grab picture (window size, jpeg)
K Popup Plugin Options Window
O Popup Options Window
P Toggles Subtitles: Activate or unactivate subtitles
Alt+P Go back on a subtitle page. Work with Ctrl+P and P commands
Ctrl+P Display Subtitles: Choose your Subtitles page number
Shift+P Popup Subtitles page number: enter a specific page number
R Record Movie (toggle start/stop)
Alt+R Popup Video Recorder options
Ctrl+R Popup Audio Recorder options
Shift+R Popup Streaming options
S Some record Statistics
Shift+S To save configuration parameters
T "Always on Top" function which works with any Gnome compliant
Window Manager or with any NET_WM compliant Window Manager
V Video (Capture) toggle: overlay/grabdisplay/off
Shift+V If you have launched a record, it’s possible to preview it.
Shift+X Popup Xosd options Window
X Popup X11 options Window
Ctrl+X Activate / unactivate Xosd
Z Channel Hopper (zapping, tune in every station a
few seconds)
Ctrl+Z Fast Channel Hopping (grab the images for the Channel

0 Set audio mode to auto
1 Set audio mode to mono
2 Set audio mode to stereo

up/down tune up/down one channel
left/right fine tuning
pgup/pgdown station up/down
Ctrl+up scan for next station

ESC Quit

F1 Call the nxtvepg title again
F5 Set bright ressource down to -512
F6 Set bright ressource up to +512
F7 Set hue ressource down to -512
F8 Set hue ressource up to -512
F9 Set contrast ressource down to -512
F10 Set contrast ressource up to +512
F11 Set color ressource down to -512
F12 Set color ressource up to +512

+/- Volume up/down
Enter mute

End Set Blackborder decrease
Home Set Blackborder increase

The branches hold some string (TV station ID), the lines below are the
settings for that channel. Usually the channel line is enougth.

There are a few other options. They are allowed both for a station
(and will be used for that station) and before the first station (will
be used as default for all stations). The later is useful for common
settings like the TV norm. See also the example below.

Here is the detailed description of the options:
fine = n

finetuning (what left+right keys do), default: 0

norm = pal | ntsc | secam

which TV norm, default is pal

key = keysym

Hotkey for the channel. All X11 keysyms allowed here. You can prefix
a keysym with Modifier+, i.e. ^F is "Ctrl+F".

capture = off | overlay | grabdisplay

capture mode: off, overlay (default, TV card => video, 0% cpu) or
grabdisplay (TV card => main memory => X-Server => video, frame rate
depends on load and picture size).

source = Television | Composite1 | Composite3 | SVHS

input source

color = n
bright = n
hue = n
contrast = n

Valid range is 0-65535, default is 32768

deinterlace = none | bob | weave | greedy | onefield

deinterlace function applied to the image

subpage = val (different from 888)

Allow save an default subtitle page that will be used at
every "show subtitles" use.

The following global options are allowed before the first station only.
They may be superseeded by individual channel options:
norm = pal | ntsc | secam

which TV norm, default is SECAM

capture = off | overlay | grabdisplay

capture mode: off, overlay (TV card => video, 0% cpu) or
grabdisplay (default TV card => main memory => X-Server => video, frame rate
depends on load and picture size).

source = Television | Composite1 | Composite1 | SVHS

input source

colorkey = value

If Xvideo is enabled, assigns value to colorkey.

fullscreen = width x height

specify which video mode should be used for full-screen. Works with
X11 only, and of cource you need a valid modeline for this mode in
your X11 RC file.

fullscreen_mode = 1 | 2 | 3

Choose the method you want when fullscreen is launched.

windowsize = width x height

specify the startup size of the TV window. Overrides what has been
specified in the resource file.

wm-off-by = [+-]x[+-]y

Some WM’s handle static gravity not correct (I know mwm and
kwm). This is somewhat boring with fullscreen mode. With this
options you can correct this with a displacement for moving
windows. For example, wm-off-by = -4-24 does the trick for kwm (the
KDE window manager).

subpage = val (default = 888)

Allow save an default subtitle page that will be used at
every "show subtitles" use.

freqtab =

select a channel-to-freqency mapping. Options window->Frequency table
brings up a menu with all valid entries (and allows table-switching at

pixsize = width x height

size of the channel pixmaps (within Channels window). 0x0 disables this

mixer_tvchan = device

This allows to control volume using the sound card mixer. device is
*not* /dev/mixer (which is set by mixer_dev),
but the name of the sound source (line1 for me, just
take one of the mixer programs floating around and try which is the tv
Volume-control works with the keypad: + is up, - is down, Enter is

mixer_dev = xxx | mixer_pcmchan = xxx | audio_dev = xxx

Advanced mixer/audio parameter, see section OPTIONS for explications

restoresnd = on|off

see option -restoresnd

vop_autograb = on|off

see option -vop_autograb

subtitles = on|off

Subtitles activation at startup.

capture_size = val (default = 768 x 576)

Sets the width and height of the grabbed frames;

blackborder = nr (default = 0)

set height of the black borders (as -ybar option)

xawpopup = val (default = on)

To disable/enable xawpopup

message_timer = val (default = 5000)

Choose how long a title is displayed on screen.

decoration = on|off

Decoration activation at startup.

stayontop = on|off

Stay on Top activation at startup.

xvport = number

Xvideo Image port (similar to -xvport option).

grab_filepath = val (default = $HOME)

Choose the path where grab images are saved.

jpeg_compression = val (default = 75)

Choose the compression percentage for a jpeg grab image.

xosd = on|off

Xosd activation at startup.

xosd_main_color = val (default = lawngreen)

Choose the xosd main text color.

xosd_outline_color = val (default = black)

Choose the xosd outline text color.

xosd_outline_offset = val (default = 0)

Choose the size of the outline color

xosd_shadow_offset = val (default = 0)

choose the size of shadow behind the text

xosd_main_font = val (default = -*-bitstream vera sans mono-*-*-*-*-*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*)

Choose the xosd main text font.

xosd_vtx_font = val (default = -*-bitstream vera sans mono-*-*-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*)

Choose the xosd teletext font.

container = name (default = AVI)

Choose the audio/video container you want to use for recording.

codec = name (default = XviD)

Choose the video codec you want to use for recording.

width = val (default = 384) 32 to 768 (modulo 32)

Video width that will be recorded.

height = val (default = 288) 16 to 576 (modulo 16)

Video height that will be recorded.

bitrate = val (default = 800) in Kbit/s 1 to 10000 (modulo 1)

Video bitrate in kbits/s.

quality = val (default = 1)

Video quality: 1 to 5 for DivX, 0 to 5 for FFMpeg & 0 to 6 for XviD

stereo_mode = off | on (default=off)

Choose the audio recording mode: mono or stereo.

compress_audio = on | off (default = on)

Activate / desactivate the Sound compression mode during recording.

mp3_bitrate = val (default = 128) 16 to 512 (modulo 16)

If you select CBR, this parameter help you to choose the constant
MP3 Audio bitrate (kbits/s)

mp3_quality = val (default = 5) 1 to 9 (modulo 1)

MP3 quality level.

mp3_vbr_mode = on | off (default =off)

Activate / desactivate the "Variable BitRate" for MP3 Audio recording.

mp3_vbr_quality = val (default = 8) 1 to 8 (modulo 1)

If the MP3 VBR mode is selected, you can choose its quality level.

fps = fps (default = 25) 1 to 30 (modulo 1)

Frame per second. This parameter could be modify to synchronize sound
and audio if there is such problems on your AVI file.

max_gap = val (default = 80) 1 to 500 ms (modulo 1) possible between sound and audio in an AVI file.
This parameter could be modify to synchronize sound and audio
if there is such problems on your AVI file.

min_quantizer = val (default = 2) 1 to 64 modulo 1

Quantizer minimum: Smaller the quantizer is, higher the quality will be.
These parameters help us to modify quality during the recording.
If we want a stable quality we have to fix MIN equal to MAX.

max_quantizer = val (default = 8) 1 to 64 modulo 1

Quantizer maximum: The higher the quantizer is, the smaller the
quality will be. These parameters help us to modify quality
during the recording. If we want a stable quality we have to
fix MIN equal to MAX.

audio_buffer_size = val (default = 1764) 441 to 65535 modulo 441

Sound buffer size used during the recording.

audio_freq = val (default = 44100)

Sound frequency during the recording.

audio_fmt = val (default = s16le)

Sound format during the recording.

divx_path = path (default = $HOME or the folder where XdTV is launched)

Choose a folder where you want to record the avi file.

maxsize = size (default=1024 for a MSDOS filesystem, 4096 otherwise)

set the maximum size of the recording file to s Mb.

display_frame = on | off (default = on)

Display frames on screen during the recording.

record_sub = on | off (default = off)

Allow ot not recording a subtitle file during an AVI recording

record_chg = on | off (default = off)

Allow or not changing TV channel during an AVI recording

record_delay = val (default = 0,000000)

set recording delay between audio and video in seconds

streaming_mode = on | off (default = off)

enables http export of the recording
(XdTV will act as a http stream server)

streaming_http_port = val (default = 63427)

set the port of the http stream

preview_player = val (default = mplayer -nofs -quiet -nosound)

If you have launched a record, it’s possible to preview it.
Choose the player you want to use to do that. You can also use
xdtv -avinoaudioout -avi

alevt_defaultpage = val (default = 100)

Choose the default teletext page. If you write 100 200 300
that will launch 3 differents alevt window with 100, 200 and 300
as default pages.

alevt_finetune_mode = none | auto | manual

Choose the best method to capture teletext signal.

alevt_finetune = val (default = 1)

If alevt_finetune_mode = manual, this value is used to fine tune
the teletext signal.

alevt_error_reduction = yes|no (default = yes)

If there is some noise on teletext signal, this activate
an algorithm to reduce errors.

alevt_error_bell = yes|no (default = yes)

Activation of the bell when some errors appear.

alevt_charset = latin-1 | latin-2 | koi8-r | iso8859-7 (default = latin-1)

Choose your charset between latin, russian and greek.

If you want to learn more about eventmap support, read README.lirc.
If you want to have more informations about the advanced XviD & FFMpeg parameters,

look at the MPlayer man pages. They are all well explained.

config file example
My config file looks like this:

# Global options
norm = SECAM
capture = grab
source = Television
subpage = 888
freqtab = secam-france

mixer = line
restoresnd = off

xawpopup = on
message_timer = 5000
decoration = off
stayontop = on
subtitles = on

# Fullscreen options
fullscreen = 800 x 600
fullscreen_mode = 3
pixsize = 128 x 96
windowsize = 256 x 192
colorkey = 123456
capture_size = 768 x 576

# Grab options
grab_filepath = /home/user
jpeg_compression = 75

# XOSD options
xosd = on
xosd_main_color = lawngreen
xosd_outline_color = black
xosd_main_font = -*-bitstream vera sans mono-*-*-*-*-*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*
xosd_vtx_font = -*-bitstream vera sans mono-*-*-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*

# record options
container = AVI
codec = XviD
width = 512
height = 384
bitrate = 800
quality = H623, High
stereo_mode = off
compress_audio = on
mp3_bitrate = 128
mp3_quality = 5
mp3_vbr_mode = off
mp3_vbr_quality = 8
fps = 25
max_gap = 80
audio_fragments = 48
audio_sizefragment = 2048
min_quantizer = 2
max_quantizer = 8
audio_buffer_size = 1764
audio_freq = 44100
audio_fmt = s16le
divx_path = /home/user
maxsize = 1024
display_frame = on
record_sub = on
record_chg = off
record_delay = 0
streaming_mode = off
streaming_http_port = 63427
preview_player = mplayer -nofs -quiet -nosound

# record advanced options
ffmpeg_v4mv = no
ffmpeg_naq = no
ffmpeg_gray = no
ffmpeg_gmc = no
ffmpeg_qpel = no
ffmpeg_ildct = no
ffmpeg_keyint = 250
ffmpeg_vmax_b_frames = 0
ffmpeg_vlelim = 0
ffmpeg_vcelim = 0
ffmpeg_lumi_mask = 0
ffmpeg_dark_mask = 0
ffmpeg_tcplx_mask = 0
ffmpeg_scplx_mask = 0
ffmpeg_dia = 0
ffmpeg_cmp = 0
ffmpeg_subcmp = 0
ffmpeg_trell = no
ffmpeg_last_pred = 0
ffmpeg_predia = 0
ffmpeg_precmp = 0
ffmpeg_umv = no
ffmpeg_aic = no
ffmpeg_mbd = 0
ffmpeg_cbp = no
ffmpeg_obmc = no
ffmpeg_ss = no
ffmpeg_aiv = no
ffmpeg_loop = no
ffmpeg_ilme = no
xvid_vhq = 0
xvid_bvhq = no
xvid_chromame = no
xvid_chroma_opt = no
xvid_hqacpred = no
xvid_trell = no
xvid_cartoon = no
xvid_gray = no
xvid_interlacing = no
xvid_turbo = yes
xvid_qpel = no
xvid_gmc = no
xvid_keyint = 250
xvid_frame_drop_ratio = 0
xvid_vmax_b_frames = 0
xvid_bquant_ratio = 150
xvid_bquant_offset = 100
xvid_packed = yes
xvid_closed_gop = yes
xvid_bframe_threshold = 0
xvid_reaction_delay_factor = 16
xvid_averaging_period = 100
xvid_buffer = 100
xvid_max_I_quantizer = 12
xvid_min_I_quantizer = 2
xvid_max_P_quantizer = 12
xvid_min_P_quantizer = 2
xvid_max_B_quantizer = 12
xvid_min_B_quantizer = 2

# eventmap
lirc-key-0 = keypad 0
repeat = 1
lirc-key-1 = keypad 1
repeat = 1
lirc-key-2 = keypad 2
repeat = 1
lirc-key-3 = keypad 3
repeat = 1
lirc-key-4 = keypad 4
repeat = 1
lirc-key-5 = keypad 5
repeat = 1
lirc-key-6 = keypad 6
repeat = 1
lirc-key-7 = keypad 7
repeat = 1
lirc-key-8 = keypad 8
repeat = 1
lirc-key-9 = keypad 9
repeat = 1
lirc-key-ch+ = setstation next
repeat = 0
lirc-key-ch- = setstation prev
repeat = 0
lirc-key-vol+ = volume inc
repeat = 0
lirc-key-vol- = volume dec
repeat = 0
lirc-key-Mute = volume mute
repeat = 1
lirc-key-full_screen = fullscreen toggle
repeat = 1
lirc-key-source = setinput next
repeat = 0

# alevt options
alevt_defaultpage = 100
alevt_finetune_mode = none
alevt_finetune = 1
alevt_error_reduction = yes
alevt_error_bell = yes
alevt_charset = latin-1

# Channel options
channel = 25
key = KP_End
bright = 35920
hue = 27689
deinterlace = Linear Blend

channel = 22
key = KP_Down
deinterlace = Linear Blend

channel = 28
key = KP_Next
deinterlace = Linear Blend

channel = K06
key = KP_Left
deinterlace = Linear Blend

[Arte / La Cinquieme]
channel = 30
key = KP_Begin
deinterlace = Linear Blend
subpage = 151

channel = 33
key = KP_Right
color = 18371
norm = PAL
deinterlace = Linear Blend

key = KP_Home
source = Composite1
deinterlace = Linear Blend


What’s this?

SEE ALSO (xawtv homepage) (bttv driver homepage) (AleVT videotext decoder)


Original xawtv by Gerd Knorr <kraxel [AT]>

Please do NOT contact him if you have questions regarding XdTV. This will pollute his mailbox with mail he absolutely doesn’t care about. Ask rather your question on the relevant forums...

Original AleVT videotext decode by Edgar Toerning <froese [AT]>

Please do NOT contact him if you have questions regarding the builtin AleVT decoder provided by XdTV. This will pollute his mailbox with mail he absolutely doesn’t care about. Ask rather your question on the relevant forums...


Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Gerd Knorr <kraxel [AT]>

Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000 Edgar Toerning <froese [AT]>

Copyright (C) 2000,2003 Keuleu

Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Alain, Bart, Blindman, Calimero, Cooly, CycyX, CuC, Nico, Mat, Maupatz, Pingus Copyright (C) 2006 Alain, CuC, Nico, Pingus

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.