netdump-server − handle crash dumps over the network
[--port portnumber]
[--concurrent number]
[--pidfile path]
[--help] [--usage]
Listens to the network for clients that crashes and uses the netdump protocol to recieve a memory dump and a stack trace. The memory dump and oops message are stored in a timestamped directory in /var/spool/crash. The server can also run scripts when some events happen.
--port portnumber
Specifies the IP port number for the netdump server to listen to. The default is 6688.
--concurrent number
You can limit the amount of concurrent dumps being done at any one time. If more clients than the specified maximum connects at one time the last ones will just be logged and then rebooted.
--pidfile path
Store a pidfile. The default service uses /var/run/ The default is not to write a pidfile.
ttywatch should background itself and run as a daemon.
This launches the netdump-server and puts it in the
background, listening for crashed clients.
Exit status is 0 for a clean exit and non-0 for a non-clean exit.
A configuration file read by netdump-server on startup. It is a "key=value" style file. Currently it supports the options: port, max_concurrent_dumps, daemon and pidfile.
An init script to start a
default system installation of netdump-server. This is
normally turned off by default; use the command
/sbin/chkconfig netdump-server on
to enable the netdump-server service.
The main directory where the crash dump files are stored. Each dump is put in a subdirectory named with the ip of the crashed machine and the date and time of the crash.
This directory can contain scripts that are run at various times. They all get passed the ip of the crashing machine as the first argument, and everyone except netdump-start gets the directory that the dump is written into as the second argument.
netdump-start - This is called when a client connects to the server to tell it that it has just started the netdump client. This normally means that the machine just booted up.
netdump-crash - This is run when a client reports that it has crashed.
netdump-nospace - This is run when there is not enough diskspace for the dump of the crashed machine. If this script exits with a non-zero return value netdump-server will try once again (but only once) before giving up the dump.
netdump-reboot - This is run when netdump-server is finished with a client and is about to tell the client reboot itself.
Report any bugs you find to
Alexander Larsson <alexl [AT]>