

lpinfo - show available devices or drivers (deprecated)


lpinfo [ -h server[:port] ] [ -E ] [ -l ] [ --device-id device-id-string ] [ --exclude-schemes scheme-list ] [ --include-schemes scheme-list ] [ --language locale ] [ --make-and-model name ] [ --product name ] -m
[ -h server[:port] ] [ -E ] [ -l ] [ --exclude-schemes scheme-list ] [ --include-schemes scheme-list ] [ --timeout seconds ] -v


lpinfo lists the available devices or drivers known to the CUPS server. The first form (-m) lists the available drivers, while the second form (-v) lists the available devices.


lpinfo accepts the following options:


Forces encryption when connecting to the server.

-h server[:port]

Selects an alternate server. Note: This option must occur before all others.


Shows a "long" listing of devices or drivers.

--device-id device-id-string

Specifies the IEEE-1284 device ID to match when listing drivers with the -m option.

--exclude-schemes scheme-list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of device or PPD schemes that should be excluded from the results. Static PPD files use the "file" scheme.

--include-schemes scheme-list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of device or PPD schemes that should be included in the results. Static PPD files use the "file" scheme.

--language locale

Specifies the language to match when listing drivers with the -m option.

--make-and-model name

Specifies the make and model to match when listing drivers with the -m option.

--product name

Specifies the product to match when listing drivers with the -m option.

--timeout seconds

Specifies the timeout when listing devices with the -v option.


The lpinfo command is unique to CUPS.


List all devices:

lpinfo -v

List all drivers:

lpinfo -m

List drivers matching "HP LaserJet":

lpinfo --make-and-model "HP LaserJet" -m


CUPS printer drivers and backends are deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future feature release of CUPS. Printers that do not support IPP can be supported using applications such as ippeveprinter(1).


lpadmin(8), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help)


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