lf64 − transitional interfaces for 64-bit file offsets
The data types, interfaces, and macros described on this page provide explicit access to 64-bit file offsets. They are accessible through the transitional compilation environment described on the lfcompile64(5) manual page. The function prototype and semantics of a transitional interface are equivalent to those of the standard version of the call, except that relevant data types are 64-bit entities.
The following tables list the standard data or struct types
in the left-hand column and their corresponding explicit
64-bit file offset types in the right-hand column, grouped
by header. The absence of an entry in the left-hand column
indicates that there is no existing explicit 32-bit type
that corresponds to the 64-bit type listed in the
right—hand column. Note that in a 64-bit application,
the standard definition is equivalent to the 64-bit file
offset definition.
The following tables display the standard API and the
corresponding transitional interfaces for 64-bit file
offsets. The interfaces are grouped by header. The interface
name and the affected data types are displayed in courier