
名 前

guestfs-ocaml - OCaml か ら libguestfs を 使 用 す る 方 法

書 式

モ ジ ュ ー ル 形 式 :

let g = Guestfs.create () in
Guestfs.add_drive_opts g ~format:"raw" ~readonly:true "disk.img";
Guestfs.launch g; オ ブ ジ ェ ク ト 指 向 ス タ イ ル :

let g = new Guestfs.guestfs () in
g#add_drive_opts ~format:"raw" ~readonly:true "disk.img";
g#launch ();
ocamlfind opt -package guestfs -linkpkg -o prog
ocamlopt -I +guestfs mlguestfs.cmxa -o prog

説 明

This manual page documents how to call libguestfs from the OCaml programming language. This page just documents the differences from the C API and gives some examples. If you are not familiar with using libguestfs, you also need to read guestfs(3). プ ロ グ ラ ミ ン グ 形 式
There are two different programming styles supported by the OCaml bindings. You can use a module style, with each C function mapped to an OCaml function:

int guestfs_set_verbose (guestfs_h *g, int flag);


val Guestfs.set_verbose : Guestfs.t -> bool -> unit

Alternately you can use an object-oriented style, calling methods on the class "Guestfs.guestfs":

method set_verbose : bool -> unit

The object-oriented style is usually briefer, and the minor performance penalty isn’t noticeable in the general overhead of performing libguestfs functions. ハ ン ド ル の 閉 じ 方
The handle is closed when it is reaped by the garbage collector. Because libguestfs handles include a lot of state, it is also possible to close (and hence free) them explicitly by calling "Guestfs.close" or the "#close" method. 例 外
Errors from libguestfs functions are mapped into the "Guestfs.Error" exception. This has a single parameter which is the error message (a string).

Calling any function/method on a closed handle raises "Guestfs.Handle_closed". The single parameter is the name of the function that you called.

例 : デ ィ ス ク イ メ ー ジ の 作 成


例 : 仮 想 マ シ ン の デ ィ ス ク イ メ ー ジ の 検 査


例 : デ バ ッ グ お よ び ロ ギ ン グ の 有 効 化


関 連 項 目

guestfs(3), guestfs-examples(3), guestfs-erlang(3), guestfs-gobject(3), guestfs-golang(3), guestfs-java(3), guestfs-lua(3), guestfs-perl(3), guestfs-python(3), guestfs-recipes(1), guestfs-ruby(3),,

著 者

Richard W.M. Jones ("rjones at redhat dot com")


Copyright (C) 2010-2023 Red Hat Inc.



To get a list of bugs against libguestfs, use this link:

To report a new bug against libguestfs, use this link:

When reporting a bug, please supply:

The version of libguestfs.

Where you got libguestfs (eg. which Linux distro, compiled from source, etc)

Describe the bug accurately and give a way to reproduce it.

Run libguestfs-test-tool(1) and paste the complete, unedited output into the bug report.