

gpsfetchmap − Download maps from a mapserver.


gpsfetchmap is a program to download maps from a mapserver for use with gpsdrive.


Common usages:

gpsfetchmap −w < WAYPOINT NAME > −sc < SCALE > −a <#> −p

gpsfetchmap −la <latitude MM .DDDD> −lo <latitude MM .DDDD> −sc < SCALE > −a <#> −p

gpsfetchmap −sla <start latitude MM .DDDD> −endla <end latitude MM .DDDD> −slo <start longitude MM .DDDD> −endlo <end longitude MM .DDDD> −sc < SCALE > −a <#> −p

gpsfetchmap −sc < SCALE > −a <#> −r < WAYPOINT 1> < WAYPOINT 2> ... < WAYPOINT n> −p

All options:

gpsfetchmap [−w < WAYPOINT NAME >]
[−la <latitude DD .MMMM>] [−lo <longitude DD .MMMM>]
[−sla <start latitude DD .MMMM>] [−endla <end latitude DD .MMMM>]
[−slo <start longitude DD .MMMM>] [−endlo <end longitude DD .MMMM>]
[−sc < SCALE >] [−a <#>] [−p] [−m < MAPSERVER >]
[−u < UNIT >] [−md < DIR >] [−W < FILE >] [−t < FILE >] [−r]
[−C < FILE >] [−P < PREFIX >] [−F] [−d] [−v] [−h] [−M] [−n] [−U] [−c]


−w, −−waypoint < WAYPOINT NAME >

Takes a waypoint name and uses the latitude and longitude for that waypoint as the centerpoint of the area to be covered. Waypoints are read from ’way.txt’, or file defined by ’−W’. the special name gpsd asks your local gpsd where your gps thinks you are and uses this point as center. This, ’−la’ and ’−lo’, ’−sla’, ’−ela’, ’−slo’ and ’−elo’ or ’−a’ is required. A special name is gpsd this waypoint asks your gps where you currently are.

−la, −−lat <latitude DD .MMMM>

Takes a latitude in format DD .MMMM and uses that as the latitude for the centerpoint of the area to be covered. Will be overriden by the latitude of waypoint if ’−w’ is used. This and ’−lo’, ’−w’ or ’−sla’, ’−ela’, ’−slo’, ’−elo’ is required.

−lo, −−lon <longitude DD .MMMM>

Takes a longitude in format DD .MMMM and uses that as the longitude for the centerpoint of the area to be covered. Will be overriden by the longitude of waypoint if ’−w’ is used. This and ’−la’, ’−w’ or ’−sla’, ’−ela’, ’−slo’, ’−elo’ is required.

−sla −−start−lat <start latitude DD .MMMM>

Takes a latitude in format DD .MMMM and uses that as the start latitude for the area to be covered. Will override ’−la’ and ’−lo’ but will be overriden by ’−w’. This, ’−ela’, ’−slo’ and ’−elo’ or ’−w’ or ’−la’ and ’−lo’ is required.

−ela −−end−lat <end latitude DD .MMMM>

Takes a latitude in format DD .MMMM and uses that as the end latitude for the area to be covered. Will override ’−la’ and ’−lo’ but will be overriden by ’−w’. This, ’−sla’, ’−slo’ and ’−elo’ or ’−w’ or ’−la’ and ’−lo’ is required.

−slo −−start−lon <start longitude DD .MMMM>

Takes a longitude in format DD .MMMM and uses that as the start longitude for the area to be covered. Will override ’−la’ and ’−lo’ but will be overriden by ’−w’. This, ’−sla’, ’−ela’ and ’−elo’ or ’−w’ or ’−la’ and ’−lo’ is required.

−elo −−end−lon <end longitude DD .MMMM>

Takes a longitude in format DD .MMMM and uses that as the end longitude for the area to be covered. Will override ’−la’ and ’−lo’ but will be overriden by ’−w’. This, ’−sla’, ’−ela’ and ’−slo’ or ’−w’ or ’−la’ and ’−lo’ is required.

−sc, −−scale < SCALE >

Scales of map(s) to download. Default: 50000.


   − Just this scale.
   − All scales in the list. May be combined with other formats.
   − All scales above and including the number given.
   − All scales below and including the number given.

   − All scales from first to last number given.

−a, −−area <#>

Area to cover. # of ’units’ size square around the centerpoint. You can use a single number for square area. Or you can use ’#x#’ to do a rectangle, where the first number is distance latitude and the second number is distance of longitude. ’units’ is read from the configuration file (−C) or as defined by (−u).

−p, −−polite

This causes the program to sleep one second between downloads to be polite to the mapserver. Takes an optional value of number of seconds to sleep.

−−mapserver < MAPSERVER >

Mapserver to download from. Default: ’landsat’. Currently can use: landsat

geoscience, gov_au, incrementp and eniro have download stubs, but they are !!!NOT!!!! in the right scale.


landsat covers the whole world with satelite Photos

gov_au is for Australia

incrementp for japanese Maps

eniro covers:
eniro_se Sweden
eniro_dk Denmark
eniro_no Norway
eniro_fi Finnland

Overview of Area covered by eniro_fi:;62.&zoomlevel=1&size=800x600

−u, −−unit < UNIT >

The measurement system to use. Default is read from configuration file <−C>. Possibles are: miles, nautical, kilometers.

−−mapdir < DIR >

Override the configfiles mapdir with this value.


File to read waypoints from. Default: ’~/.gpsdrive/way.txt’.

−t, −−track < FILE >

Download maps that are along a saved track. File is a standard track filed saved from GpsDrive.

−r, −−route

Download maps that are along a route defined by waypoints. You must give a list of waypoints as parameters separated with space.


File to read for GPSDrive configuration information. Default: ’~/.gpsdrive/gpsdriverc’.


Takes a prefix string to be used as the start of all saved map files. Default: "map_".


Force program to download maps without asking you to confirm the download.


Dont download anything only tell which maps are missing


read map_koord.txt file at Start. Then also check for not downloaded map_*.gif Files if they need to be appended to map_koords.txt.


Update map_koord.txt: search map Tree if map_*.gif file exist, but cannot be found in map_koords.txt file. This option first reads the map_koord.txt file and checks every Map in the filesystem if it also is found in the map_koord.txt file. If not found it is appended into the map_koord.txt file.

Check map_koord.txt File. This option checks, if every Map also exist If any Map-File is missing, a file will be created. This file can be copied to the original file if checked.


See which areas the maps cover. Output is simple ASCII Art


Set proxy for mirroring image Files

−d, −−debug

Prints debugging information.

−v, −−version

Prints version information and exits.

−−help −h −x

Prints the usage page and exits.

−−MAN −M

Prints the manual page and exits.


When downloading Maps the output reads as folows:

 _ Map already exists in Filesystem
 E Error while downloading Map
 + Map got downloaded
 u updated map_koords.txt File
 S Simulate only