

debtorrent-tracker — debtorrent tracker


debtorrent-tracker [options ...] −−dfile file


This manual page documents briefly the debtorrent-tracker command.

debtorrent-tracker is a "tracker" for debtorrent clients. This program keeps track of the completion of each client, and communicates that information when requested to other clients.


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (’−−’). A summary of options is included below. For more detail, see the configuration file in /etc/debtorrent.


the filename to use for the configuration file, if not specified then a file in /etc/debtorrent will be used, followed by a file in the .DebTorrent directory in the user’s home directory

−−save_options 0|1

whether to save the current options as the new default configuration for the current program (defaults to 0)


the local directory to save cache data in, if left blank then a .DebTorrent directory in the user’s home directory will be used

−−save_dfile_interval seconds

the number of seconds between saving the dfile (defaults to 300)

−−log_dir directory

the local directory to save log files in, if left blank then the cache directory will be used

−−log_level level

log messages that are greater than or equal to level to log files, the basic log levels are 50 (critical), 40 (errors), 30 (warnings), 20 (info), and 10 (debug) (the default is 20)


the port to listen on (defaults to 6969)

−−bind ip|hostname[,ip|hostname ...]

a comma-separated list of ips and hostnames to bind to locally (defaults to ’’)

−−ipv6_enabled 0|1

whether to allow the client to connect to peers via IPv6 (defaults to 0)

−−ipv6_binds_v4 0|1

set if an IPv6 server socket won’t also field IPv4 connections (defaults to 0)

−−socket_timeout seconds

the number of seconds to wait between closing sockets which nothing has been received on (defaults to 15)

−−timeout_check_interval seconds

the number of seconds to wait between checking if any connections have timed out (defaults to 5)


only allow downloads for torrents in this directory (defaults to ’’)

−−allowed_list file

only allow downloads for hashes in this file (hex format, one per line), cannot be used with allowed_dir (defaults to ’’)

−−allowed_controls 0|1

whether to allow special keys in torrents in the allowed_dir to affect tracker access (defaults to 0)

−−allowed_ips file

only allow connections from IPs specified in the given file, which contains subnet data in the format: (defaults to ’’)

−−banned_ips file

don’t allow connections from IPs specified in the given file, which contains IP range data in the format: xxx:xxx:ip1-ip2 (defaults to ’’)

−−parse_dir_interval seconds

number of seconds between reloading of allowed_dir (defaults to 60)


whether to only allow peers that accept a compact response (defaults to 1)

−−reannounce_interval seconds

the number of seconds downloaders should wait between reannouncements (defaults to 1800)

−−response_size num

the num of peers to send in an info message (defaults to 50)

−−nat_check num

check num times if a downloader is behind a NAT (0 = don’t check) (defaults to 3)

−−timeout_downloaders_interval seconds

the number of seconds between expiring downloaders (defaults to 2700)

−−min_time_between_cache_refreshes seconds

the minimum number of seconds before a cache is considered stale and is flushed (defaults to 600.0)

−−only_local_override_ip 0|1|2

ignore the ip GET parameter from machines which aren’t on local network IPs (0 = never, 1 = always, 2 = ignore if NAT checking is not enabled) (defaults to 2)

−−dedicated_seed_id code

the code to require from clients to indicate that they are dedicated seeders. This allows the tracker to monitor dedicated seed(s) and flag torrents as seeded. (defaults to ’’)


whether to display an info page when the tracker’s root dir is loaded (defaults to 1)

−−infopage_redirect URL

redirect the info page to this URL (defaults to ’’)

−−favicon filename

the filename containing x-icon data to return when browser requests favicon.ico (defaults to ’’)

−−show_names 0|1

whether to display the name of the torrent on the infopage (defaults to 1)

−−allow_get 0|1

use with allowed_dir; adds a /file?hash=hash URL that allows users to download the torrent file (defaults to 0)

−−keep_dead 0|1

keep dead torrents after they expire (so they still show up on your scrape and web page) (defaults to 0)

−−scrape_allowed full|specific|none

scrape access allowed (can be none, specific or full) (defaults to full)


the minimum number of seconds it must have been since the last flush to do another one (defaults to 3.0)

−−hupmonitor 0|1

whether to reopen the log file upon receipt of HUP signal (defaults to 0)

−−log_nat_checks 0|1

whether to add entries to the log for nat-check results (defaults to 1)


whether to enable multitracker operation (defaults to 0)

−−multitracker_allowed autodetect|none|all

whether to allow incoming tracker announces (can be none, autodetect or all) (defaults to ’autodetect’)

−−multitracker_reannounce_interval seconds

number of seconds between outgoing tracker announces (defaults to 120)

−−multitracker_maxpeers num

the num of peers to get in a tracker announce (defaults to 20)

−−aggregate_forward url[,password]

if set, forwards all non-multitracker to this url with this optional password (defaults to ’’)

−−aggregator 0|1|password

whether to act as a data aggregator rather than a tracker. If enabled, may be 1, or password; if password is set, then an incoming password is required for access (defaults to ’0’)

−−http_timeout seconds

number of seconds to wait before assuming that an http connection has timed out (defaults to 60)




This manual page was written by Cameron Dale <camrdale [AT]> for the Debian system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.