

cmds − ceph metadata server daemon


cmds −i name [ −−rank rank ] [ −−shadow rank ]


cmds is the metadata server daemon for the Ceph distributed file system. One or more instances of cmds collectively manage the file system namespace, coordinating access to the shared OSD cluster.

Each cmds daemon instance should have a unique name. The name is used to identify daemon instances in the ceph.conf.

Once the daemon has started, the monitor cluster will normally assign it a logical rank, or put it in a standby pool to take over for another daemon that crashes. If a specific rank may be optionally specified on the command line, the daemon will be assigned that rank, or will be put in a separate standby queue specifically for that rank.


−−mds rank

Start up as (or standby for) the given MDS rank. If not specified, a rank will be assigned by the monitor cluster. −−shadow rank Shadow a the given MDS rank. The given MDS log will be replayed, checking for recovery errors.


Debug mode: do not daemonize after startup (run in foreground) and send log output to stdout.


do not daemonize after startup (run in foreground), but log to the usual location. Useful when run via crun(8).

−c ceph.conf, −−conf=ceph.conf

Use ceph.conf configuration file instead of the default /etc/ceph/ceph.conf to determine monitor addresses during startup.

−m monaddress[:port]

Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through ceph.conf).


cmon is part of the Ceph distributed file system. Please refer to the Ceph wiki at for more information.


ceph(8), cmon(8), cosd(8)