chcontext − chcontext allocates a new security context and executes a command in that context.
chcontext [options] <command arguments>
chcontext allocates a new security context and executes a command in that context. By default, a new/unused context is allocated
−−cap CAP_NAME
Add a capability from the command. This option may be repeated several time. See /usr/include/linux/capability.h In general, this option is used with the −−secure option. −−secure removes most critical capabilities and −−cap adds specific ones.
−−cap !CAP_NAME
Remove a capability from the command. This option may be repeated several time. See /usr/include/linux/capability.h
−−ctx num
Select the context. Only root in context 0 is allowed to select a specific context. Context number 1 is special. It can see all processes in any contexts, but can’t kill them though.
Start the command in background and make the process a child of process 1.
−−domainname new_domainname
Set the domainname (NIS) in the new security context. Use "none" to unset the domainname.
−−flag |
Set one flag in the new or current security context. The following flags are supported. The option may be used several time. |
lock: The new process is
trapped and can’t use
chcontext anymore.
sched: The new process and its children will
share a common execution priority.
nproc: Limit the number of process in the
vserver according to ulimit setting.
Normally, ulimit is a per user thing.
With this flag, it becomes a per vserver
private: No one can join this security context
once created.
−−hostname new_hostname
Set the hostname in the new security context. This is needed because if you create a less privileged security context, it may be unable to change its hostname.
Remove all the capabilities to make a virtual server trustable.
Do not print the allocated context number.
Information about context is found in /proc/self/status
# You must be root, running X. # We start an xterm in another security context /usr/sbin/chcontext xterm &
# We check, there is no xterm running, yet we can # see it. ps ax | grep xterm
# Are we running in security context 0 # We check the s_context line in /proc/self/status cat /proc/self/status
# Ok we in security context 0 # Try the security context 1 /usr/sbin/chcontext −−ctx 1 ps ax | grep xterm
# Ok, we see the xterm, we try to kill it /usr/sbin/chcontext −−ctx 1 killall xterm
# No, security context 1 can see, but can’t kill # let’s find out in which security context this # xterm is running /usr/sbin/chcontext −−ctx 1 ps ax | grep xterm
# Ok, this is PID XX. We need the security context /usr/sbin/chcontext −−ctx 1 cat /proc/XX/status
# We see the s_context, this is SS. # We want to kill this process /usr/sbin/chcontext −−ctx SS killall xterm
Please contribute some, if you feel it’s important.
This Man page was written by Klavs Klavsen <kl [AT]> and based upon the helpful output from the program itself and the documentation on the Virtual Server site <>;
chbind(8) rebootmgr(8) reducecap(8) vps(8) vpstree(8) vrpm(8) vserver(8) vserver−stat(8) vtop(8)