

dd_rescue − copies data from one file (or block device) to another


dd_rescue [options] infile outfile


This manual page documents briefly the dd_rescue command. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.

dd_rescue is a program that copies data from one file or block device to another, it is a tool to help you to save data from crashed partition. It tries to read and if it fails it will go on with the next sectors, where tools like dd will fail. If the copying process is interrupted by the user it is possible to continue at any position later. It can copy backwards.


−s ipos

start position in input file (default=0)

−S opos

start position in output file (def=ipos)

−b softbs

block size for copy operation (def=16384)

−B hardbs

fallback block size in case of errs (def=512)

−e maxerr

exit after maxerr errors (def=0=infinite)

−m maxxfer

maximum amount of data to be transfered (def=0=inf)

−l logfile

name of a file to log errors and summary to (def="")


reverse direction copy (def=forward)


truncate output file (def=no)


abort on Write errors (def=no)


spArse file writing (def=no)


Always write blocks, zeroed if err (def=no)


interactive: ask before overwriting data (def=no)


force: skip some sanity checks (def=no)


quiet operation


verbose operation


display version and exit


Show summary of options


This manual page was written by Ayman Negm <a.negm [AT]>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).